Monday, January 26, 2015

Blog 13: Lesson 2 Reflection
Title: Lesson 2 Reflection
Label: Presentation
Due Date: The day after your lesson presentation by 8:00 A.M.


1.What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 Presentation and why?

In this presentation, I felt very proud that explained everything I wanted to say in my presentation. I talked about all the necessary information that I found important to share with the audience and was able to gain the audience's interest of my topic. Since this presentation had a longer time limit, I did not get nervous as much and was able to take my time in a steady pace when I was speaking.

In the last Lesson Plan for 10 minutes, I did made a lot of mistakes when I was speaking. I didn't grab the audience's attention/interest in my presentation. Within my speech, many of the ideas I planned to say had been mixed around, forgotten (such as MLA sources), and some I didn't have time to say them. This Lesson 2 Plan was a second chance to improve myself and to correct my mistakes from Lesson 1.

A.)     What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 2 Presentation (self-assessment)?

       AE       P-          AP       CR       NC

B.)     Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 2 component contract.

I would give myself a P- in this presentation. In the Lesson 2 presentation, I showed how my topic is relatable to everyone and how it effects the society. I explained what is my topic, how is my EQ a issue in society, and what answer I thought best to solve this problem. Through my own words, I presented everything by the basic knowledge of what I have learned in my research. But I did spoke fast on some certain parts of my presentation which some audience members weren't able to keep track of what I was talking about. Then in my activity, I did not gain a full success of what I wanted my audience to learn from my answer because I didn't clarify it properly which had made this activity a bit confusing for some of them.

3. What worked for you in your Lesson 2?

What actually helped me a lot in the Lesson 2 is the Power Point. The use of electronic devices actually helps with memorizing on what to say during my presentation. I consider this as a distracting view for the audience to stare at other than me upstage because I do get nervous when people stare at me for a long period of time and I find it helpful if patient have a visual presentation of what my project is a about. With the help of the Power Point, I had a moment to practice add a limited amount of text and small notes that would be an assistance in my presentation
(EX: MLA sources: to remind myself to include it in this certain slide)
4. What didn't work? If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?

I found a least success through my speaking skills. Even though it was a 25 minute long presentation, I end up speaking fast through certain parts of my Lesson 2. If I had the chance, I would improved my speaking skills by practicing my presentation in front of a couple people (friends, family, etc). By this I am able to indicate my errors through my small audience's views and do my best to improve my presentation. Another less success is my activity and that can be help in my practice presentation. By this I can test my activity if it makes logical sense to my test audience and what I can improve upon it.

5. What do you think your answer #2 is going to be?

I think my possible Answer #2 might be Patient Portal. This answer is a more moderate idea or solution to help slow down the rate of noncompliance in our generation. Patient Portal is a secure online website that gives patients convenient 24-hour access to personal health information from anywhere with an Internet connection. This helps patients get personal assistance from their medical official (doctor, pharmacist, etc) through their own phone.

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