Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Blog 12: Mentorship 10 Hours

Title:  Blog 12: Mentorship 10 hours check
Label:  Mentorship
Due Date:  Friday January 9, 2014 by 8AM.

Make sure that your mentor calls your house teacher by this Friday at 8AM to verify your 10 hours!


1.   Where are you doing your mentorship?

For this semester, I have been working with two mentors, they are both pharmacists that work in the same company. But I did not work with them both at the same time, only separately. Both mentors didn't last long as I expected because they both moved onto a higher succeed My first mentor, Andrew Kest, I have worked with him since summer until November. Then my second mentor, Mina Wassef, I have worked with him for mid-November and first two weeks of December. I am grateful that I was able to learn a lot from both of them, even though our time was short.

I still work at the same mentor ship at Del's Pharmacy 1, Ontario. It is a close-pharmacy, which means these employees and my mentors doesn't work with any patients, only take calls from doctors, nurses, or any medical officials. 

2.   Who is your contact?

My mother would usually contact my mentors first to not indicate myself as a bother depending if their schedule was tight on certain days. I do have my mentors' the cellphone numbers, but I do not call or text them as much, only for emergency situation when their contact is needed for my project. At times I do give them calls or short texts about any questions I have about my topic and I would always call in to let him know that I am heading to the pharmacy on mentorship days. 

3.   How many total hours have you done (total hours should be reflected in your mentorship log located on the right hand side of your blog like your WB)?

For this entire semester, I have completed about 19 hours and 26 minutes, which doesn't include summer hours. For the first 8 hours and 10 minutes I have completed with my first mentor, Andrew Kest. Then the rest of the hours, 11 hours and16 minutes, I have done with my second mentor, Mina Wassef. 

4.   Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.

For my hours I have done at the pharmacy, I was shadowing under the each of my mentors. I would ask questions about their line of work: simple curious questions of their daily routine, the difficulties, the advantages, and what to gain from their experience in this career field. Then I have taken my time to talk about my project to each of them. I found ideas and facts that can be in use for my research within my topic and I have been taught a lot about the life of a pharmacist.

5.   Email your house teacher the name of your contact and their phone number confirming who they should call to verify it.

Andrew Kest
Cellphone: (626)-502-2957

Mina Wassef:
Cellphone: 1 (717)-715-5363

*You need 50 hours plus the original 10 in the summer by May.   The original 10 from the summer do not count toward the 50.  By the end of the year, you will have 60 hours counting that original 10.

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